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Friday, March 12, 2010

How to Find More Space in the Kitchen

From Apartment Therapy's Kitchen Cure

Today organizing expert Stacey Platt shares a few tips on finding more space in the kitchen. Stacey is the most organized person I know, but understands with great compassion how unorganized many people can be. Here are some ideas from her new book, What's a Disorganized Person to Do?. Welcome, Stacey!  Read more . . . 

Images: Clockwise from top left: 
Getty Images, Corbis, Getty Images, Getty Images

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Organization as Art

Opening night at the Armory Art Show in NYC. Hangers, paper clips, and requests to be removed from mailing lists. I've seen organization work its way into the related realms of architecture and interior design but after tonight at the Armory, I suspect that the desire for order has permeated our collective consciousness.

This hanger sculpture puts the Container Store to shame!

I'm seeing paperclips.

I wish I had this much space to store my handbags.

Down with junk mail!

I'm not suggesting anyone needs more than one stove-top espresso 
maker, but who doesn't dream of this kind of storage??

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

TIP DU JOUR: What to do with spare buttons?

What do you do with the spare buttons that come with new clothing?  Try this:

Designate a box for them and keep a fine-point indelible ink pen inside. When you buy a new item of clothing with a spare button, which usually comes in a small plastic or paper bag, write a brief description on the bag (to identify it when you need it) and put it in the box. When the box fills up, sort through it and throw out buttons for clothing you no longer own.